My First Blog - cosi eccitant!

Well, as I spend so much time rampaging through the style blogs of the world, I thought it time for my own. A little place where I can store my favourite images and quotations, and then share them with like minded others.

I am rather a techno-phobe, my daughters say, so please forgive me if you my first attempts are not up to scratch. I will improve.

For now, welcome and ciao xx

Tuesday 2 November 2010

Count Your Blessings and Cherish Your Family

Hearing about Lily Allen losing her baby and a couple of unexpected deaths in my extended family have made me realise how tenuous our grip on life can be. So today I am counting my blessings and cherishing my family.

It is so easy to take our families for granted and often only really recognise how much someone meant to us when they are gone. I am lucky to have my Parents, my Sister, Brother-in-law and a wonderful niece. I have healthy children and grandchildren. I am going to get as healthy and as fit as I can to ensure I stick around for my grandkids and hopefully see my great-grands. 

Forget money the real riches in life are good health, love and support of family and close friends and seeing your children grow up healthy and as good people.
I bet Barack Obama is glad of the love of Michelle and Sasha and Malia today as it looks like the dems got a good drubbing in the mid-terms. The US media is vile, I am sure it is run by racists who will do almost anything to get Obama out of the White House. A good piece by Harold Evans on the Daily Beast, the Big Lie about how the media and republicans are misleading the public about the results of Obama's stimulus package. Of course the same thing happens here every day. MInd you I did enjoy Janet Street Porter's piece on tax evasion in the Mail. Have a look at both pieces online. Get politically aware and stand up for what you believe in!

Monday 1 November 2010

New Me November! - Become your Dream

Well, having been thoroughly inspired by Coco Chanel (currently reading book by Claude Baillen) fellow blogger (forgive the presumption of a very new beginner) Faux Fuschia and several self help books, I have decided to reinvent myself this November. My new motto is Become Your Dream (shamelessly stolen from a tagger in New York, but it is apparently everywhere in NY)

My life isn't bad in the scheme of things but I have a strong feeling it could be so much better, so I am going to take this month, 30 days and really kick it into gear. I want my life to be chic, organised, purposeful and filled with the things I like best. Therefore my goals for this week are:

Get up earlier
Get walking more
Eat healthier

Blog every day - and finish off parts of blog that need attention and add some photos for inspiration.
Send a begging letter to careers at Jaeger asking for a part time job with them.

I love Jaeger, and although working at M&S currently (while studying law) is fine I do feel a fashion job would suit me better, and the staff discount will allow me to upgrade my wardrobe with many fine Jaeger clothes.

So off I go to have a nice healthy lunch of smoked salmon and scrambled eggs and yerba mate tea.

Have a good day and let me know if you have Become your Dream or you are trying to. Bonne Chance xx